2020, Vol. 2, Issue 2
Comparative effects of different fertilizer types on proximate composition and pigments concentration of Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.) in Southwestern Nigeria
Author(s): Adeona Adedamola Peace* and Akande Gladys Monisola
Affiliation: *Department of Crop, Soil and Pest Management, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B 704, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria
Abstract: An investigation of Comparative effects of different fertilizer types on proximate composition and pigments concentration of Pumpkin (
Cucurbita maxima) was conducted at the teaching and research farm of Federal University of Technology, Akure Nigeria between April and June, 2018 and May and June, 2019. The following fertilizer types were used as treatments, N:P:K = 20:10:10 at 250 kg ha
-1, Sunshine organomineral fertilizer at 5 t ha
-1 and fertiPlus at 6 t ha
-1. Experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design involving three replications per treatment. Standard analytical methods were used to determine moisture content, ash, protein, calcium, ascorbic, carbohydrate, fat, fiber, chlorophyll and carotenoid at harvesting stage. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means were compared using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at p<0.05. Results indicated that, fertilizer types significantly influence proximate and pigments concentration of pumpkin. The highest concentrations of proximate and pigments concentration were found from the leaf of pumpkin treated with NPK and fertiplus fertilizer. NPK fertilizer gave highest values of ash (2.75%), calcium (1.20 mg / 100 g), carbohydrate (64.21%) and carotenoid (10.55) in the first cropping season (2018) while at the second cropping season (2019), NPK gave the highest value of ash (2.72%), protein (1.20%), calcium (61.66 mg / 100 g) and carotenoid concentration (10.01) while the fertiplus fertilizer gave the highest value of fibre (2.80%), chlorophyll (0.75) and ascorbic acid (266.67 mg / 100 g) in the first and second cropping season (2018 and 2019) with highest fat concentration (2.92%) record at the second cropping season. Except for the control plant that gave the highest values of protein and fat contents at the first cropping season (2018) and highest moisture contents and carbohydrate concentration at the second cropping season (2019). From this study, it shows that fertilizer types significantly influence the quality and bioactive compounds of pumpkin but influenced proximate and pigments composition differently.
DOI: 10.22271/2582-3744.2020.jun.59Pages: 59-62 | Views: 1386 | Downloads: 857Download Full Article: Click Here