2020, Vol. 2, Issue 2
Assessment of physicochemical and microbial properties of soil of a disturbed forest in Ondo state, Nigeria
Author(s): E. T. Adedeji, K. Jayeola, A. S. Akinbowale* and M. S. Tolorunju
Affiliation: *Department of Forestry and Wood Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
Abstract: Deforestation and degradation greatly affect the population of soil microbes and reduces the quality of the soil. This study was carried out to assess the physiochemical and microbial properties of soil of a disturbed forest in Ondo state, Nigeria
. Data collection took place in Osse River Park. Two parallel line transects of 200 m apart were laid and two equal sample plots (50 m × 50 m) were laid in alternate direction of each transect. The sample plots laid in the disturbed forest was used for soil collection. Soil samples were collected at three depths (0-15 cm, 15-30 cm and 30-45 cm) along the diagonal for each of the sample plot with the aid of soil auger. The standard procedure for determining the total number of soil microbes was adopted for bacteria and fungi culturing. The results obtained in this study revealed that sand content, organic matter, organic carbon, calcium, phosphorous and nitrogen reduces significantly as the depth increases. Mean values for sand ranged from 66.6-77.1 and the silt content ranged from 5.94 to 8.2. Clay, silt and magnesium were higher in depth 30-45 cm than any other depths. At different depth, significant difference was observed in the organic matter. Soil pH, magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium were not significantly different within the soil depths. Irrespective of the depth, soil pH ranged from 5.69-6.66 which shows that the soil is slightly acidic. A total number of eight fungi and nine bacteria were isolated in the study area. Negative and positive correlations were found in the soil properties when the level of relationship was tested. This study concluded that deforestation affects soil quality and microbial diversity. Degraded forests should be protected and should be allowed to recuperate and the remaining forests should be protected from further anthropogenic activities.
DOI: 10.22271/2582-3744.2020.jun.74Pages: 74-79 | Views: 1479 | Downloads: 951Download Full Article: Click Here